Some job applications require a salary number to be filled in before you can proceed, or the first-round interview requires you to disclose a number or range to the recruiter before they’ll pass you on for more interviews. In these situations, job seekers throw out a number just to move forward and hope to rectify
Negotiation is not just for securing the best job offer. Even when you’re employed, you negotiate raises, promotions and the scope of your day-to-day job all along your career. If you’re an entrepreneur or freelancer, you negotiate pricing, projects and deadlines. In day-to-day life, you negotiate boundaries with other people, terms when you buy or
How can I negotiate a higher starting salary right out of school? – Class of 2021 undergraduate Kudos to this new graduate for not assuming that you can’t ask for more even when you’re just starting out. A prerequisite to successful negotiation is believing that you can and should negotiate! If you don’t ask, the
Below is the transcript of a Q&A for a session I led on negotiation. The full video is at the bottom, and on my YouTube Channel. This is a great question because yes, it is true that often times you go back and forth in a negotiation. And if you're asking for more, the other side may
In a previous post, I covered common job search negotiation questions that came up during an American Corporate Partners negotiation webinar I led for female military veterans and military spouses. Negotiation is important for military and non-military alike. However, negotiation is not something you do only during your job search. You continue to negotiate once you get on the
Just in time for Veterans’ Day, I led a negotiation workshop for female military veterans and military spouses, organized by American Corporate Partnes. ACP is a national non-profit that offers a broad array of career support to veterans and military spouses, so it’s worth checking out! Here are five job search negotiation questions that apply to both military
There are many times in the course of your career that you will want to negotiate: you get a job offer and want to negotiate the job offer terms;your role changes and you want to negotiate a raise and/or promotion;you need more flexibility and want to negotiate your work schedule. I could dedicate an entire post to reasons to negotiate
Flexible working is on the rise. Nearly three out of every four employees say their company offers flexible working and 32% said they regularly work remotely. An entire 79% of employees said they work with at least one person who isn’t based in the same office as them. – The Human Face of Remote Working, 2017 global survey
Yes, you can negotiate as a consultant, temp, freelancer, or small business owner. Don’t assume that just because you’re not full-fledged staff, you have less influence.Don’t assume that since it’s just you v. a bigger company that you don’t have leverage.Don’t assume that a company can’t pay more, even if they insist they have no budget.Do
One of the most common concerns I hear in my negotiation workshops is how to manage two seemingly conflicting objectives: on the one hand to push back, stand your ground, and otherwise negotiate hard; (read this primer on becoming a fearless negotiator) but on the other hand, to preserve the relationship, maintain open dialogue, and