Are You Ready For 56% Unemployment? Four Ways To Maintain Career Longevity

– Posted in: Career Advancement
Woman writing in a planner

A 2018 study by ProPublica and The Urban Institute showed that 56% of full-time employees over age 50 had suffered an involuntary job loss (defined as a layoff, deteriorating conditions or unexpected retirement). Tracking a larger sample of workers from 1992-2016 shows that, after age 50, only 46.9% of the sample (less than half) were employed full-time

Maximize Your LinkedIn Profile For Job Search — Tips From Recruiters And LinkedIn Company Insiders

– Posted in: LinkedIn
laptop open on a table

Looking to improve your LinkedIn presence? Check out my guide to optimizing your LinkedIn profile for your dream career. At a “Recruiters, LinkedIn, and the Successful Job Search” event organized by the Barnard Professional Learning & Development Committee and hosted at the New York offices of LinkedIn, LinkedIn senior software engineer Michelle Ling shared four ways to increase

Three Reasons To Turn Down A Networking Invitation

– Posted in: Networking
set of hands sitting across a table - business meeting

In general, I heartily encourage people to accept networking invitations. For example, a friend asks if they can introduce you to someone you should know. Or, you get a LinkedIn invitation from someone you don’t know. Or, someone you meet at a conference suggests you grab coffee sometime, and they actually contact you after the

10 Success Tips For A Video Job Interview

– Posted in: Interviewing
man sitting and looking at a computer screen

Preparing for a job interview? You might also be interested in my blog post: Ten Step Process To Help Ace Your Next Job Interview. Being asked for a video job interview instead of a live job interview is increasingly common. Employers like it because, unlike phone interviews, video interviews feel closer to live interviews, with the

Ten Tips For A Successful Mentorship

– Posted in: Mentor
Man and woman talking over coffee

January is National Mentorship Month, so if you participate in an official mentor program or you just have people in your life who you regularly go to for advice, make sure to send out a special thanks! Mentor relationships are very helpful to your professional development, which is why many companies and outside organizations invest