Many times the questions I get on career change are how to make it happen. In this case, our reader has already landed a job in a new field but wonders what they should do if they don’t like their new career. Ken asks: If my career in communications doesn't pan out, how can I
Some job applications require a salary number to be filled in before you can proceed, or the first-round interview requires you to disclose a number or range to the recruiter before they’ll pass you on for more interviews. In these situations, job seekers throw out a number just to move forward and hope to rectify
Roccio asks: How can I reach a C-Suite position? There are a lot of factors that are going to come into play regarding who a company hires for the top job. I have hired for CEO, CFO and COO, as well as heads of major departments, and the criteria can vary dramatically. However, I have
Gaia asks: How can you obtain the relevant work experience needed for a new job if you are not given the opportunity to gain that experience when attempting to transition to a different industry or job with different skill sets. This question is a great example of the catch-22 of career change. The trick
How do I know if the career change I am picturing is a reasonable aspirational goal or going to be viewed as naïve or arrogant? - Nikki There are different elements to Nikki’s question. The first one is what you think versus what recruiters think. So what? Of course, you should care what other
How do you identify the specific needs a company is facing? - Karen Believe it or not, when an employer posts a job description to hire for a new position, what they need and want is not all included in the description. In fact, the job posting might either be incorrect, or it might
Ulysses asks: What are the top questions to ask in a job interview? It's true that a job interview is a two-way conversation. Both the employer and the job seeker should have a chance to ask questions and get answers. The hiring process is a chance for the employer to vet you and your
Mara asks: I have a number of recruiters reach out to me about roles they are filling. All of them say “no cover letter” as they want to fast track my application. Most of them want a hybrid format to just highlight relevant experience and say cover letter is not necessary. When I do this,
Jaime asks: What is the first step in making a career change? Making a career change, from start to finish, can be a long and involved process with many steps, and the first step is going to differ based on your circumstances. One simple example to consider is the person who knows exactly what
My biggest concern is how to convey transferable skills when applying for roles in different fields. This is the biggest hurdle that I'm facing currently and feel as if I'm getting no's via email without even getting the opportunity for an actual phone interview to discuss. – April April’s question is one that I hear from a