There are many reasons you could be underpaid despite being excellent at what you do. You might have taken on additional responsibilities but without a commensurate raise. You might be a longtime employee getting small cost-of-living adjustments while new hires coming from the outside leapfrog into higher salary bands. You might be starting out in
Both as an executive coach and recruiter I have worked on negotiations involving offers in the multiple six-figures. These big offers have a lot of moving parts and involve experienced professionals on both sides of the negotiation table (candidate and employer). So I’m always surprised when I’m coaching a candidate who leaves out key items
If you’re busily doing your job, a long time might have passed since you’ve checked to see whether you’re fairly paid. Salary sites, such as,, and are helpful to getting a general sense for salaries. But there are so many nuances with geography, job title, functional area, background, and more that get