Ulysses asks: What are the top questions to ask in a job interview? https://youtu.be/-48XaYRj46g It's true that a job interview is a two-way conversation. Both the employer and the job seeker should have a chance to ask questions and get answers. The hiring process is a chance for the employer to vet you and your
How do you answer this question: “What have you been up to lately?” Why do they ask this question in the beginning of the interview? What are they looking for in my answer? I want to answer it in a positive way….I think that question sets the tone for the whole interview, and it’s too
You have limited time in a job interview – learn how to sell your skills, expertise and years of experience in a concise and compelling way You have limited time in a job interview, and yet you have multiple skills, areas of expertise and years of experience to cover. Rambling is a big pet peeve
Preparing for a job interview? You might also be interested in my blog post: Ten Step Process To Help Ace Your Next Job Interview. Most job interviews include at least one negative interview question: What is your biggest weakness? Tell me about a project where something went wrong. What is the biggest mistake you made? The interviewer is looking
Preparing for a job interview? You might also be interested in my blog post: Ten Step Process To Help Ace Your Next Job Interview. Being asked for a video job interview instead of a live job interview is increasingly common. Employers like it because, unlike phone interviews, video interviews feel closer to live interviews, with the
Preparing for a job interview? You might also be interested in my blog post: Ten Step Process To Help Ace Your Next Job Interview. If you are an aspiring career changer, a new graduate, or even an experienced professional but looking to enter a young industry (e.g., blockchain), then you have less relevant experience for
Preparing for a job interview? You might also be interested in my blog post: Ten Step Process To Help Ace Your Next Job Interview. A job interview is a person-to-person communication, and some people are difficult, so you will likely encounter a difficult job interviewer at some point. The difficult job interviewer pushes back on what
Many interviews will open with an invitation to tell your story, with questions such as ‘tell me about yourself’, ‘walk me through your resume’, or ‘walk me through your career’. Since a version of this question starts just about every interview, you’ll want to have a prepared answer. But you don’t want answer this question
Sometimes a recruiter asks to schedule an exploratory phone call with you. Phone interviews are increasingly more common as a first step in the hiring process because they’re more expedient for both candidate and employer. As a recruiter, I would often ask for a brief call to discuss the resume, and from that short interaction then
Preparing for a job interview? You might also be interested in my blog post: Ten Step Process To Help Ace Your Next Job Interview. Telephone interviews are different than live interviews and require different strategies for the jobseeker to be successful. When I ask new coaching clients to assess their interview technique, they never distinguish