In my Forbes column, I advise this specialist who wants to pivot out of their niche field:
I was laid off recently, and my career has been in a very specific niche. The feedback I’m getting so far in my job search is that I don’t have enough relatable experience. How do I compete with people who have direct experience? I know I can do the job. – Commercial Real Estate Analyst
I share 5 steps to pivot after years in a specialized field
Even if you love what you do and can’t imagine leaving it, you may not have a choice (know anyone in the federal government???).
Even if you think your background is obviously transferable, employers may feel differently (as a longtime recruiter AND career changer, I’m the first to admit that my recruiter self would NOT hire my career change self. Only hiring managers make those exceptions!).
Even if you think you have time “later, someday” for career planning, remember that disruption can happen suddenly and unexpectedly (again, know anyone in the federal government???).
Check out the 5 steps outlined in my Forbes post, and ask yourself which one(s) need your attention now.
What got you to this level isn’t going to get you to the next one – Candy Valentino in “The Nine-Percent Edge”
P.S. If you need some help, a 90-minute Jumpstart strategy session with me can get you unstuck and moving again.