
ERG’s: Are You Taking Advantage Of This Powerful Career Advancement Tool?

– Posted in: Networking
Man and woman talking over coffee

ERG’s, or Employee Resource Groups, also called Business Resource Groups or affinity groups, are groups of employees from the same company who come together based on shared characteristics or life experiences. For example, I worked with a media company that had ERG’s for Asian employees, black, Hispanic, LGBT, working parents, and millennials. ERG’s might be

Career Advice for Starting Over After Age 40 and With No Education

– Posted in: Career Change
woman with boxing glove hitting man in the mouth

Monet asked: How do you start over with no education at 40? I love getting questions from the newsletter readers because then I know what topics to cover in the blog. So first of all, thank you, Monet! What immediately caught my attention was how the question was focused – starting over, no education, at age 40.

5 Ways To Structure Your Networking Pitch

– Posted in: Networking
Man and woman talking over coffee

If you’re looking for a new job, starting or growing your business, or even just looking to expand your network within your current company, you will need to meet new people. How will you introduce yourself? You want to be brief, but also leave enough information that you pique the listener’s interest. Here are 5

12 New Year’s Resolutions For Your Career

– Posted in: Career Advancement
Woman staring out into the mountains

If improving your career – advancing to management, making more money, being more fulfilled – is on the agenda for 2016, why not dedicate each month to a different area of professional development? This way, you don’t have just one possibly overwhelming goal, but rather 12 smaller steps that you only have to maintain for

Five Items Even Savvy Professionals Forget To Negotiate For

– Posted in: Negotiation
Two women in a business meeting sitting across the table from each other

Both as an executive coach and recruiter I have worked on negotiations involving offers in the multiple six-figures. These big offers have a lot of moving parts and involve experienced professionals on both sides of the negotiation table (candidate and employer). So I’m always surprised when I’m coaching a candidate who leaves out key items

Sins of Omission: Seven Career Mistakes Caused By Inaction

– Posted in: Career Advancement
Woman writing in a notebook

After I once heard about 7,800 layoffs coming at Microsoft, first it inspired my advice post on Forbes on career mistakes caused by not acting when layoffs are imminent. Then I checked on a former colleague who was there, but luckily she had already moved five months earlier. She mentioned that it was obvious things were going