Shattering The Glass Ceiling, with guest expert Analiza Quiroz Wolf

Event Date: May 25, 2022 2p Eastern
With women making up only 6% of Fortune 500 CEO positions, why are there so few women in leadership? The glass ceiling is an invisible barrier that prevents women from rising to senior-level positions within an organization. What holds women back from leadership and what can be done to shatter the glass ceiling?
Asian American and former CEO of a New York non-profit Analiza Quiroz Wolf shares the research behind the statistics and debunks several pervasive societal myths that we have been programmed to believe. Analiza shares her own path of self-discovery through her personal experience as CEO and what can be done to support more women in leadership.
Analiza is an Executive Coach, Facilitator, and Strategy Consultant on a mission to support leaders, especially people of color and women, be leaders in their organizations. She runs a leadership cohort program called Boss Mamas and also a podcast called Boss Mamas.
Analiza has deep experience in education leading schools for low-income students of color. She was recently the CEO of Neighborhood Charter Schools, a Brand Manager at Colgate-Palmolive, and a Captain in the US Air Force. Analiza is a Fulbright Scholar and Pahara Fellow. She graduated from Stanford with her BA and BS, Northwestern with her MBA, and the Broad Residency (now at Yale) with a M Ed in educational leadership.
A proud Filipina-American and mom to two children, Analiza also wrote Balikbayan: A Family Homecoming and Asian Americans Who Inspire Us which was named to the Gold House List. Her latest book is Native Americans Who Inspire Us.
Your host for this webinar is Caroline Ceniza-Levine, career expert.
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