Change Careers | Run A Business | Achieve Financial Independence
I got a 37% increase in salary. [My former employer] really wanted me to stay, but I was able to use that as leverage and negotiate the salary. Thanks so much for your guidance and advice - it truly helped me. -- Jay, Operations
Does this describe you?
You are highly accomplished and ambitious. You are smart and work hard to reach what many others would describe as a career high.
Yet, something is missing, usually one of three things:
- Career Advancement: You want to reach higher - you aspire to management, a Board seat, the C-level;
- Career Change: Your career no longer suits you - you want a new industry, role or to have your own business;
- Career Optimization: You like your work, but there's friction - overwhelmed, unfulfilled, a general sense of "Is this all there is?"
Advancing your career, making a change, optimizing your work, life or both are real-life client issues I have coached:
- An operations professional who changed roles into business development
- A finance director who changed industries into education;
- A change management entrepreneur who redefined her priorities and her business approach when her growing pipeline took over her life
- An early hire for a failed start-up who moved into a Regional Head of Sales role at a Big Tech company;
- A strategy consultant who negotiated an in-house dream job, improving compensation and lifestyle in the process
- A VP in Big Pharma who leapfrogged from one-of-many executives to CEO of a biotech start-up
Imagine that, instead of hoping you land in your dream career, you create it - you make a great living doing what you love
Choose where you would like to work and what you would like to do.
Collaborate with people who match your values and priorities.
Do work that excites you.
Get paid what you're worth.

No more wasting time spinning your wheels, unsure about what you should be doing now, hearing about jobs that don't interest you or spending time nurturing a lead that turns out to be the wrong job. Your career moves lead to the best next step for you.
I got my dream job. You were instrumental in helping me see things more clearly along the way - messaging and telling my story. -- Colleen, Education
The thing is, being great in your career is not the same as being great at managing your career
This is why even smart, talented professionals, who get great results for their employers, don’t get these same great results for their own careers.
You have to know when and how to negotiate for what you want.
You have to position yourself for the right roles at the right level.
You need the right network to hear about the best opportunities and get access to the decision-makers. (Most jobs, especially senior ones, are not advertised.)
As a former Fortune 500 recruiter, I know what employers want, and share that inside intel with you
After 20+ years of hiring and evaluating thousands of candidates in different levels, roles and industries, I have behind-the-scenes knowledge of how hiring decisions play out in who gets hired, who gets promoted and who is let go. I focus on practical actions, not theory, and my hands-on HR experience ensures that the actions I recommend make a difference in getting the right job at the right level and at the right compensation.

I have sat at the decision table in up and in down markets, including the dotcom bust, post-9/11 and the 2008-2009 Great Recession. I also recruited in the tech heyday leading up to Y2K, and the bull market of the 2010's, so I know how the job market can vary wildly, but you can control your career regardless of what the external conditions are.
I got the promotion -- it was officially announced yesterday. I’m moving to a newly formed section with new staff. I would like to thank you for your help and advise; I’m still doing the self care day / Friday is my (me time), focusing more on my peace of mind and also not giving away to distractions and learning how to say no and much more at work. I learned a lot during our journey together and it helped me develop and appreciate my skills and my capabilities and build my confidence. – Nada, Healthcare
One-on-one coaching is a fully customized program. The work focuses on what you specifically need.
No two clients are alike, so coaching is always bespoke.
If you are unsure what you want, we work to clarify and identify suitable career options.
If you are certain about your next career step but need help getting there, we focus on execution.
If you are already interviewing, we confirm you are reaching the decision-makers, and drive your search to close at the right level and compensation.
Some clients coach with me to pursue an entrepreneurial venture, improve work/life balance, or achieve financial independence. (You can read about how I reached my FIRE number on CostaRicaFIRE.)
Caroline helped me develop my responses so that I had an answer for any possible question thrown at me during the interview. In previous interviews, I was always very hesitant after a question was asked. I needed to take time to think of an answer. After coaching, my interview with [Big Four Audit Firm] went very smoothly and I had great answers for everything asked. Without her help I do not think I could have received the [Big Four Audit Firm] offer. -- Lindsay, Audit
Private coaching engagements start with a three-month commitment, 12 x 30-minute weekly Zoom sessions, and then continue month-to-month as needed:
- Weekly scheduled coaching to build momentum, structure and accountability
- Proprietary exercises and assessments help to identify gaps and focus areas
- Personal development coaching to optimize foundational habits in time management, goal-setting, self-care and resilience
- Professional development coaching to optimize foundational skills in relationship-building, effective communication and negotiation/ self-advocacy
- Mock interviews to provide in-depth feedback on your unique value
proposition and executive presence
- Feedback on your branding material -- LinkedIn profile, resume, elevator pitch, website
Each coaching session includes an update of what you have been working on to keep you accountable, as well as customized action steps to maintain momentum and forward progress.
Calls are recorded so you can reference the coaching again and again.
Avoid Wasted Time And Missed Opportunities
You want more for your career, or you wouldn't be looking for a career coach. You might not be sure what "more" looks like exactly. Or, you might be in the middle of a transition, trying different things, but not getting the results you want.
I can help you figure out your next career moves and get you on track to your dream career.
Caroline Ceniza-Levine has a giving spirit. With her incredible insight, I gained confidence and clarity on what I wanted in regards to my career. As a result, I ended up with a "happy" agreement with a large corporation and landed my dream job... not bad for being laid off and unemployed for less than 2 weeks. Listen to Caroline and you will make it to the other side. -- April, Healthcare
Contact me directly to inquire about availability or if you have additional questions.
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